Adam Smith and his family

Adam was born and raised in western Kansas and is the third generation to own and operate his family's farm. He is a sixth generation Kansan. He attended Weskan High School where he excelled in academics and a variety of extra-curricular activities from music to sports. After graduation, he went on to Kansas State University where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture with emphasis on Animal Science, Agronomy, and Agricultural Technology Management. Following graduation, he moved back to Weskan to manage the farm and ranch where he maintained the cow/calf Angus cattle herd. He also worked for the local John Deere dealerships in several different roles, working his way into the service management position. When the dealership in Sharon Springs closed, Adam concentrated solely on operating the farm for a few years. But with the onset of GPS steering systems technology, he went back to work for the local CASE IH dealership, utilizing his computer knowledge and technical skills installing steering systems and RTK radio networks.

Adam and his wife, Christine, have been married 13 years and have three children, Austin is 12 years old, Kaitlyn is 10 years old, and Allison is 8 years old. Adam and his family have historically been very active in public service. His wife Christine currently serves on the Board of Education for Weskan Schools. Adam's father, Virgil Smith, was also a long-time school board member, Farm Bureau board member, and CO-OP board member. Adam's grandfather, Clifton A. Smith, was also a long-time school board member and Wallace County commissioner, as well as serving on the board of directors for Sunflower Electric. Deeper into the family tree, Adam's great-great grandfather Melville Linscott served in the Kansas House of Representatives in the late 1800's after his service in the Civil War.

Leadership and dedication to the community run deep for Adam and his family.

In 2008, Adam was elected to the Wallace County Board of Commissioners and has worked hard to serve the people of Wallace County and western Kansas. In his role as commissioner, Adam became a part of numerous statewide organizations. In 2011, he was honored to be elected as an officer to the executive board of the Kansas Legislative Policy Group (KLPG), a bi-partisan coalition of rural Kansas counties. After serving as treasurer, vice president, and president, the members re-elected him to a rare second term as president. He was also honored to be elected to serve on the board of directors for Kansas County Association Multiline Pool (KCAMP) in 2012, which is a self-insured member group that provides property and liability insurance to Kansas counties. After serving on the Finance Committee for a year, he was elected president of the board. The KCAMP board then re-elected him to a second term as president. He has also served as president for the Northwest Kansas Highway Officials Association, a collaboration of county commissioners and KDOT officials working together to utilize federal and state transportation dollars more efficiently and to provide feedback and ideas on state highway and bridge projects. In his local community, Adam has served on the board of directors for the Fort Wallace Memorial Association, and he has served multiple terms as president and treasurer of the Sharon Springs Rotary club. He has also been active in the Weskan Community Improvement Association and is the vice-president for the Weskan Schools Alumni Association.

In his legislative career, Adam was first elected to the Kansas House of Representatives in 2016. In his very first term, he was assigned to the Tax Committee, which tackled the significant job of revising the income tax code after major changes in prior years had created unfair discrepancies for Kansans. He was also placed on the K-12 Budget committee which has a monumental task of its own - rewriting the entire K-12 school funding formula! After an intense first two years, Adam was re-elected for a second term in 2018. His stable leadership and pragmatic reputation earned him a nomination and election as the chairman of the Rural Caucus, a group of legislators representing rural areas of Kansas that meet weekly to discuss matters that are making an impact for small towns and the rural economy across the state. He was also honored to be selected as chairman of the Rural Revitalization committee, the official House committee in which important rural legislation is introduced and debated before going to the full chamber for consideration.

Out of all these responsibilities, Adam is most honored to be a husband and father. His commitment to his family is always his number one priority.

In second place would be his commitment to investing in the future generations. He loves working with kids, as noted by his involvement as a junior high football coach, a substitute teacher at Weskan Schools, teaching first and second grade Sunday school, and being a 4-H club leader, and more.

Adam puts his heart into whatever he is involved with, and he takes that same dedicated work ethic with him to Topeka!



  Kansas House of Representatives

Wallace County Commissioner
Chairman four years

  National Rifle Association
Lifetime Member

Kansas State Rifle Association
Lifetime Member

  Kansas Farm Bureau

Kansas Livestock Association

 National Cattleman's Beef Association Member

Wallace County Republican
Precinct Committee

Fort Wallace Memorial Association
Board of Directors 6 years

Weskan Windmills 4-H
Club Leader

Kansas Legislative Policy Group
Treasurer, Vice President,
two terms as President,

Sharon Springs Rotary Club
President 3 years, 
Secretary 2 years,
Sergeant at Arms 1 year

Kansas Association of Counties

Kansas Workers Risk
Cooperative for Counties

Kansas County Commissioners Association Delegate

Kansas County Association Multiline Pool
Finance Committee,
Claims Controller,
Vice President,
two terms as President,


Northwest Kansas Highway Officials
Secretary, Vice President, President

Weskan Community Improvement Association
Served as co- chairman for two years
Served on board of directors

Weskan Schools Alumni Association
Served as secretary for six years
Served as vice-president for two years






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Paid for by Smith For Kansas, Christine Smith, Treasurer
"No public funds were harmed during the creation and maintenance of this site!"